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Welcome to the beginning of your road to healing. My rehab standard of care is to evaluate, treat, and rehabilitate the entire body as a functional whole. Treating injuries is challenging because the root cause may originate from any part of the body. Attempting to isolate individual movements proves inadequate. The starting point is global, three-dimensional movements.


Understanding functional muscle function, what the muscles authentically do during all forms of function, requires an in-depth appreciation and understanding of physics, biomechanics and behavioral intent. The authentic function of muscles bears very little resemblance to our traditional understanding of muscle function. The traditional origin and insertion concentric model is extremely limited and erroneously misleading. We need to fully appreciate and take advantage of how muscles function in our upright three-dimensional world. The body functions as an interconnected whole, so movement or stress in one area affects other parts of the body as well, not just that isolated region.


Take, for instance, a meniscus knee tear; it might appear as an isolated injury. However, during recovery, it's essential to consider how this injury impacts other areas, such as the hip, feet, thoracic spine, and shoulders. From a chain reaction perspective, segregating the injured part from the body's interconnected resources for healing doesn't align logically. Moreover, it's logical to recognize that the knee's vulnerability to injury increases when the foot and hip exhibit asymptomatic limitations or impairments.


A targeted approach facilitates more comprehensive healing by viewing the healing meniscus as a piece of a broader recovery puzzle rather than an isolated issue. This approach also enables identifying and treating dysfunction and compensations in other areas of the body, reducing the risk of future injuries.


Begin your path to improved health with our 90-minute Video Analysis Assessment. Utilizing cutting-edge technology such as the 3-dimensional Movement and Analysis Performance System (3DMAPS), we thoroughly evaluate your body's functionality. Our comprehensive assessment focuses on identifying weaknesses in strength, limitations in flexibility, restrictions in mobility, and imbalances in posture and balance. Through a multi-faceted approach, we uncover the underlying causes of your injury to facilitate effective treatment.


Our assessment process aligns with two key scientific principles:

  1. Interconnectedness of Body Systems: Recognizing that muscles and joints influence distant areas beyond mere adjacency, we view the body as a Chain Reaction system.

  2. Movement Complexity Across Three Planes: Understanding that movement occurs simultaneously in three dimensions (sagittal, frontal, and transverse), we uncover subtle nuances in joint function and muscle coordination.

To uncover any existing causes and compensations within your body, our detailed assessment utilizing the 3DMAPS system will measure various aspects, including:


• 66 Tri-Plane Joint Motions       

• Biomechanics of Primary Body Complexes       

• Mobility Analysis Movements       

• 6 Vital Transformational Zones       

• Stability Analysis Movements       

• 6 Chain Reactions®       

• Three-Dimensional Interaction of Joints, Muscles, and Proprioceptors       

• Range of Motion / Shape of Analysis Movements       

• Control of Motion / Quality      


When addressing pain and dysfunction, it's crucial to distinguish between causes and compensations. The body's ability to adapt and compensate for injuries often leads to broader movement issues over time. Viewing movements holistically, rather than in isolation, is key to effective treatment. For example, a hip labral tear can affect other areas like the knees, feet, and spine. By treating the body as a whole, we can promote comprehensive healing and prevent future injuries.





Safe and effective rehabilitative movement prescription goes beyond simply prescribing movements; it requires understanding how the body responds to them.


Following an assessment of your condition, we provide personalized rehabilitation and training sessions. Our team, experts in Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, and Applied Functional Science®, identifies the root causes of pain and underlying dysfunctions. By integrating these principles with neuromusculoskeletal Chain Reaction™ biomechanics, we offer targeted strategies for effective decision-making. With our tailored approach, you can achieve measurable and lasting results without guesswork.


It's insufficient to assume that a specific movement will enhance mobility. We consider your movement threshold—the point at which you can perform a movement without resorting to compensatory actions. Understanding the range, angle, and speed of movement is crucial for navigating this threshold safely. We gradually increase demands while staying within this threshold to ensure positive responses and avoid discomfort.


Identifying the threshold of success, where a movement yields positive results without pain or compensation, is crucial. We modify movements based on individual responses, reshaping neurological pathways to reinforce favorable movement patterns and make optimal movement more sustainable.


Additionally, home programs are vital for sustaining the healing process. You'll receive tailored programs and guidance on injury prevention strategies. It's essential to ensure that your current activities don't predispose you to future injuries. Upon completing your treatment, you'll depart with a personalized plan for continued success.


While this approach may not be groundbreaking, its efficiency in contextualizing injuries rather than treating them in isolation is remarkable. Each person is unique, and your treatment plan should reflect your specific needs, abilities, and goals. It's time for a custom assessment and treatment plan tailored to you as an individual because beyond serving the human body, we are committed to serving the human being.

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